In June 2021 Dudley Council and The Wordsley School briefed Beta Signs to supply, manufacture and install a full internal and external signage package that would refresh the school’s branding in time for its reopening after the Summer.
The Wordsley School provided their existing branding and colours.
Our designer took the school logo and worked on it to ensure it was suitable for print, and future use.
We ensured the school colours were incorporated throughout the design process.
The external package included both illuminated and non-illuminated flex face signs.
The largest of the flex face signs being a 2.8m roundel.
We also supplied a brand-new monolith, flagpole, fingerpost, post and panel signs, and graphics to the glazing.
The internal package included printed vinyl graphics that were applied directly to the walls, each design followed the school’s branding closely.
We also installed manifestations to various sets of internal and internal doors.
To complete the internal package, we installed stencil cut vinyl to the classroom vision panels to improve the overall wayfinding.
Beta Signs have since worked on a number of other projects for the school, maintaining a strong relationship with the client and the school.
September 2021